Restaurant SEO 10 Ways To Rank Your Website On Google

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Restaurant SEO 10 Ways To Rank Your Website On Google


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For restaurant owners, getting a high ranking on Google can be the difference between closing a shop and staying open. It’s important to have a website optimized for search engines so you’ll be found when customers are looking for a place to eat out. The higher your restaurant’s SEO is; the more people will visit your restaurant. So if you are looking for ways to optimize your restaurant SEO, this guide is for you. 

1-Optimize your domain

Having a .com domain name is the first step to restaurant SEO tips for ranking your website. It’s also important for Google to know that you own the domain and are not just parking or squatting on it. So make sure your site is registered to you and not someone else. If your website is still under construction, don’t worry–you can still register for a .com address now!

2-Get a quality website.

Make sure your website is easy to navigate. When people visit your site, they should be able to find what they’re looking for quickly and easily. The best way to do this is by using a clean and simple design for your restaurant SEO that doesn’t overwhelm visitors with too much information.

Use a responsive design on all devices (phones, tablets and desktops). This will ensure that even if someone visits your site on their phone, it looks good!

Moreover, use the right colors and fonts for your restaurant SEO so that the content stands out against backgrounds without being distracting. For example, light text on dark backgrounds can be hard to read, whereas black text against white backgrounds works well. 

3-Create rich, unique content.

Creating rich, unique content is the most important factor for your restaurant’s SEO in ranking your website.

The content should be long-form and well-written. Your readers will appreciate it if you take the time to create a thorough article that covers all their questions rather than simply repeating what they can find elsewhere online.

It should be keyword-rich; this helps Google determine what your site is about so that it can rank you appropriately in the SERPs (search engine results pages). Keywords can be found by analyzing what people search for on Google and other search engines like Bing or Yahoo! 

You must use these keywords as often as possible throughout your article without overdoing it. The structure of each page should also reflect its topic well. 


  • Use headers appropriately
  • Organize sections logically with subheadings when necessary
  • Include links between related topics so users know where else they might find helpful information.

4-Add schema markup to your site.

Schema markup is a way to tell Google what your restaurant’s content is about, as detailed in Website Traffic Sources You can do this restaurant SEO by adding structured data to your site. This will make it easier for Google to understand what each element of your website means. 

For example, schema markup would inform Google that this information is relevant and important if you have an “about us” page on your site with many details about the restaurant’s history and mission statement. 

Schema markup also helps improve rankings in other ways as well:

  • It allows usernames (like @example) or phone numbers (like +123456789) within links without breaking them by encoding those characters into entities. This way, they don’t appear as code but as actual text when clicked. This makes it easy for users who may have trouble seeing some characters, such as punctuation marks, due to their browser settings being set incorrectly;
  • It allows publishers like ourselves at The SEO MATIC to write articles like these that might otherwise appear suspiciously spammy if not done properly. This keeps our content fresh while allowing readers unfamiliar with our brand yet access valuable information. 

5-Include keywords in the title of your website and heading tags

As you are probably aware, headings are the text that is bolded and centered. They’re used to organize content, help people scan a page and indicate the topic of a paragraph. Headings can also make your page more scannable by including keywords within them.

Headings are a great way to organize content for your restaurant SEO. They can also help people scan a page and make finding the information they’re looking for easier. 

6-Improve your site load speed and performance with responsive design:

Responsive design is important for mobile users. According to Google, over half of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices, so it’s important to make sure your website is easy for them to access.

Responsive design is also important for users with disabilities. Many people have trouble using a computer mouse or keyboard because they have limited mobility in their hands or fingers. Some may even use voice recognition software instead of typing altogether! 

With responsive web design for your restaurant SEO, you can create one website that works on all devices, no matter what device someone uses. This means more people can access your restaurant online and place orders easily!

Finally, responsive web design helps search engines understand what type of content they’re looking at when they crawl through the pages on your site. You have many images but no text-based content, such as blog posts or articles.

7-Make sure you’re following Google’s quality guidelines

Here are some of the most important things to remember when improving your restaurant SEO

Make sure it’s mobile-friendly, as emphasized in Mobile Marketing. In 2018, over half of all searches were done from mobile devices. If your site isn’t optimized for these users, you’ll lose out on traffic and conversions.

Ensure the design is high quality, not just for aesthetics’ sake! Sites with poor designs tend to have lower rankings than those with well-designed content. It is because they look more spammy or unprofessional. If a user lands on one of these sites and gets frustrated by bad UX (user experience), they may leave without converting. 

Ensure that there are no broken links within the text or images on your site. This can make visitors feel lost or confused while browsing, which could cause them to leave and never return! This will also help increase organic traffic due to better bounce rate stats which mean better SERP results too!

8-Optimize your images

Images are a great way to add content and help people understand your message. Optimizing images for your restaurant SEO is also very important, so make sure you do these things:

  • Use alt tags for every image on your site.

 Alt tags are alternate text descriptions that help search engines understand what an image is about and how it can be used in searches. They also give users who use screen readers or other accessibility technologies more information about the content. 

Make sure all of your images are high quality:

For your restaurant, make sure that all the images are of high quality and relevant  For example, if there’s an image on a page about restaurants near me, don’t include one that’s just stock photography. You can also add them if there’s some connection between that photo and restaurant reviews. 

9-Make sure to add breadcrumbs to your website.

Breadcrumbs are a navigation tool that allows visitors to find their way around your site. They’re like a trail of breadcrumbs.

If you have a restaurant website, it’s important to include breadcrumbs so users can easily navigate the site and find what they want. 

Breadcrumb links help people find content on your website without manually searching through every page. They also don’t need to use Google’s search bar at the top of every page by typing in keywords related to what they need before clicking on links that may or may not lead them where they want to go (or might even lead them somewhere else).

10-Have a sitemap on your site.

A sitemap is a file on your website containing all the pages and the links between them. It’s like an index for Googlebot to find all your content, so it’s important for SEO.

You can create a sitemap for your restaurant SEO manually by adding it to your root directory or through one of many tools available online: 

A good rule of thumb is to include at least 1 page per 100 words for it not to be penalized during crawling. That means if you have 10 pages on your site with 100 words each, then you would need 11 total pages.


You will get more traffic if you follow these steps for your restaurant SEO. You will get more customers and rank higher on Google search engine results pages (SERPs). Overall this would mean that your website will be easier to find. 

People would be more likely to click on it when they search for something related to what you sell or offer as a service. This, in turn, means you’ll get the leads or sales from this increased visibility in the SERPs!

We hope you have found this article helpful and given you some ideas on ranking your restaurant website. 

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