Keyword Cannibalization What It Is And How To Avoid It

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Keyword Cannibalization What It Is And How To Avoid It


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Have you ever heard of the term “keyword cannibalization”? It might sound a bit fancy, but it’s actually a common problem that can mess up your website’s chances of ranking on search engines like Google. In this article, we will explore the concept of keyword cannibalization and provide practical tips to prevent it. You can increase the discoverability of your website, leading to increased website traffic and potential customer engagement by following these suggestions. 

1-What is Keyword Cannibalization?

Keyword cannibalization occurs when multiple pages on your website compete for the same keyword in search engine rankings. In essence, it’s like having your content work against you. When this happens, search engines become uncertain about which page to rank for a specific keyword, ultimately weakening the effectiveness of your Local SEO Case Study efforts.

2-Signs of Keyword Cannibalization

Following are the signs of keyword cannibalization on your website:

2.1-Multiple Pages Ranking for the Same Keyword:

Imagine you have a website, and you want it to show up on Google when people search for a specific word or phrase (a keyword). If you discover that several pages on your website are all appearing in Google’s search results for that same keyword, it’s like your web pages are competing with each other.

2.2-Declining Traffic for a Keyword:

Let’s say you used to get a lot of visitors to your website because of a particular keyword. However, over time, you notice that the number of people coming to your site using that keyword has been decreasing. This could be a sign that something is not right, and one possible reason could be keyword cannibalization.

2.3-Duplicate Content:

Duplicate content means that the same or very similar information appears on different pages of your website. Having duplicate content can confuse search engines like Google because they might not know which page to show in search results. This confusion can Lead Generation SEO to keyword cannibalization because Google doesn’t know which page to rank for a specific keyword.

3-How Does It Impact SEO?

Keyword cannibalization can harm your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) efforts. Let’s break down how it affects your website’s performance:

3.1-Reduces Click-Through Rates:

When your web pages compete with each other for the same keywords, it can confuse visitors, too. People might not know which page to click on when they search for something, leading to lower click-through rates. This means fewer people visit your site.

3.2-Hampers Dominance in Search Results:

It’s better to have different pages targeting different keywords to rank well in search results. If all your pages are competing for the same keywords, it’s harder to dominate the search results and stand out from your competitors.

To fix this issue, you need to carefully plan your SEO strategy and ensure that each page on your website targets unique and relevant keywords.

4-How to Find It on Your Site

There are a few ways to find keyword cannibalization on your site:

Use a site crawler:seo

A site crawler is a tool that scans your website and extracts all of the pages, links, and other data. You can use a site crawler like Screaming Frog or Site Bulb to identify all of the pages on your website that are targeting the same keyword. Furthermore, bigcommerce seo Solution are available to help you identify issues using these tools if you are unfamiliar with their usage.

4.1-Use a keyword research tool:

A keyword research tool like Ahrefs or Semrush can help you identify the keywords that your website is ranking for. You can then compare this list of keywords to the pages on your website to see if any pages are targeting the same keyword.

4.2-Manually review your website:

If you have a small website, you may be able to review your pages to identify keyword cannibalization manually. Look for pages that have similar titles, meta descriptions, and content.

5-How to Avoid Keyword Cannibalization

There are a number of things you can do to avoid keyword cannibalization, including:

5.1-Conduct thorough keyword research:

Before you write any new content, conduct thorough keyword research to identify the keywords that your target audience is searching for. Once you have a list of keywords, you can assign each keyword to a specific page on your website.

5.2-Focus on topics, not just keywords:

When you’re creating content, focus on covering a topic in-depth rather than just trying to stuff keywords into your content. Search engines are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and they’re able to tell when you’re trying to game the system, as discussed in Key Value Proposition of Google Search.

5.3-Optimize each page for a unique keyword:

Each page on your website should be optimized for a unique keyword. This means that you should include the keyword in the page’s title, meta description, header tags, and body text.

5.4-Use canonical tags:

A canonical tag is a piece of code that tells search engines which page is the original version of a piece of content. If you have duplicate content on your website, you can use canonical tags to tell search engines which page is the master copy, a strategy outlined in Internal Links Important for SEO.

5.5-Consolidate duplicate content.:

If you have duplicate content on your website, it’s best to consolidate it into a single page. This will help to avoid keyword cannibalization and improve your SEO.

5.6-Proper Internal Linking:

Utilizing proper internal linking can help guide search engines and users to the most relevant pages on your website. Internal links can also help consolidate link equity to boost the authority of your content.

5.7-Monitor your search engine rankings:

It’s important to monitor your search engine rankings on a regular basis so that you can identify any signs of keyword cannibalization. If you notice that your rankings are declining for a particular keyword, investigate to see if keyword cannibalization is the cause.

6-Examples of Keyword Cannibalization

Here are some examples and their impact on websites:

6.1-E-commerce Website with Duplicate Product Titles:

Imagine an e-commerce website selling shoes. They have multiple product pages for similar shoe styles, and each product page uses the same or very similar keywords in the title and content. As a result, search engines may have difficulty determining which page to rank for a specific keyword, leading to lower rankings for all related product pages.

6.2-Blog with Multiple Posts Targeting the Same Keyword:

A blog may have published several posts targeting the keyword “healthy smoothie recipes.” While each post provides valuable information, the competition among these pages can dilute the website’s overall search engine authority for that keyword, making it harder to rank well for any of them.

6.3-Local Business with Multiple Location Pages:

A local business may have multiple location-specific pages targeting similar keywords such as “dentist in New York” and “New York dental clinic.” If these pages have similar content and meta information, search engines might struggle to decide which page to display for relevant searches, potentially leading to lower rankings for both.


Understanding and addressing this common SEO issue is crucial for maintaining and improving your website’s search engine rankings. By conducting thorough keyword research, implementing best practices, and utilizing available tools, you can avoid the negative effects of cannibalization and strengthen your online presence.

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